Puglian Snow. That Wasn’t in the Plan!

Trullo Puglian snow

Last week of February and I landed in Bari for another meeting with Martina Franca planning department as we are so close to final sign off and I wanted to get an update on progress. For the record Chiara at the Comune assured us she had stamped the permit and sent it for final sign off on February 10th. Meaning by 9th March we should be ready to start work. Generally then, very positive. We await with anticipation.

Trullo Genista Snow

We once read that February is the coldest month of the year in the Itrian Valley which surprised me as I’ve known some warm days in March and assumed that February would mark the beginning of a warming up process. After a useful week of administrative tasks and some work around the house, I prepared myself to close up the house in advance of a trip back to the UK.

Snowstorm in Puglia

The images you see here are what greeted me when I opened the shutters. I knew that it does snow in Puglia, and it had been a cold week, but it still took me somewhat by surprise. My mind jumped immediately to the fact that I was supposed to be flying that day and that a trip to Bari airport was on the cards for me that day. Thankfully, the gritters had been out and the snow was very rapidly turning to slush by the time I left for Bari later that day. But some great photos for the scrap book nonetheless.

Returning briefly to the building project, we are now working on the assumption that we can finish sometime in June in time for guests to begin to visit Trullo Genista in July, August, September and October. We’ll keep you posted.